My Grandma always said, "Nobody in this world is born all-knowing"...That quote has stuck with me for as long as I can remember. For the most part, I don't know what I'm doing, but one thing I know is that I will never let fear stop me from achieving my goals. Just because I don't know something, I shouldn't let myself feel insignificant and you shouldn't either. No matter what your goal/dream is. You and only you know how to achieve it. Don't listen to the negative talk of others especially your inner voice that gets in your way telling you that you are not good enough and will never achieve it. You never truly know until you try and do your best every day. One step at a time, bit by bit, it's a slow process, but you will get there. There's nothing impossible because there is always a way.

     I decided to write this blog to inspire, motivate, and give hope to others who are struggling like me, a way to achieve our goals. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of getting in my own way. I don't have anyone helping me through my entrepreneurial venture. So let's be kind and build each other up. I'll be posting a series of tips, guides, strategies, etc. that will help build your brand. The key is to Just Start, take that leap of faith in you, you got this!

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